Monday, December 1, 2014

Pre-Ballet Class

Being 3 years old meaaaans *drum roll* Kay can join pre ballet class. Aaaakkk... my dream comes true. I always love watching contemporary jazz dancer in Dancing with the Stars or Got to Dance UK. But the problem is i can't accompany Kay in the class and Kay doesn't have close friends so far, so she's not keen on ballet.

I believe that kids can feel the energy of mom's order, either to give or to demand. Taraaa last saturday Kay said that she didn't like ballet and didn't want to join her ballet class anymore. My heart was torn apart (lebay). IMO she didn't like it because Kiandra (her berstfriend) didn't join ballet class on Saturday. So she felt lonely. Now i know what moms' feeling when their daughter choose majors that you dont want them take to. Haha.

Then after took a deep breath i explained her that sometimes we have to do something that we dont like (A a demanding energy!). I know you love it Kay because when the music turns on you automatically dance gracefully. Dance is your fave class right? (Another demanding energy!).

When i realized my mistakes i asked to God what i have to do (genting banget yee) til' we came to the ballet class. 10 minutes later my wish was granted. There came the most beautiful kid in my eyes with light shadow around her. Huahaha. There, little girl whom Kay played with eeerr 10 months ago. Huahaha. (It's important to nice with every kids we meet right?). Suddenly i held Kay's hand and came close to that girl. I asked that girl: Hai kak Nara. Do you remember Kaysa? We ever played together didn't us? We ever climbed the rock wall and slided down together.

Thanks God she remembered and everything went smooth since then. After the class Kay said "bunda Echa minggu depan mau balet lagi ya sama Nara." Fiuhhh it's quite relieving. Even though maybe she still doesn't really into ballet, for this time, it's enough.

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Unknown said...

Halo Mbak :) Been a silent reader for some time just now. It's really nice to see Kay in the ballet class :) I've always wanted to do the ballet, but back then there was no ballet school in Depok :P and also my mom preferred me to learn the traditional dance, so... *angkat bahu*

But if I have a child, I might want him/her to learn some form of art, especially the music, and especially piano, because it's the basic for other musical instruments (IMHO). Tapi belon tau juga sih kapan kawinnya... *lah curcol* hehe...

Shintano said...

Hi Alicia. iya lucu ya little ballerina itu. hihi. Kay juga mau gw masukin ke Yamaha. semoga deh. amiiin.. semoga segera ketemu jodohnya ya. AMIIIIINNN. hihi


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