Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Apple and Sweet Potato Soup

Mau bagi resep kesukaannya Kaysa. sumber dari sini:

2 tsp flour
2 tsp unsalted butter
6 fl oz (3/4 cup) low sodium orhomemade chicken broth
2 tsp applesauce (use our recipe above)
6 oz (3/4 cup)sweet potatoes(cooked)
pinch ground ginger (optional)
pinch ground cinnamon (optional)
4 fl oz (1/2 cup) milk (use breast milk or formula if you prefer)
Melt the butter in a heavy saucepan and stir in the flour.
Cook, stirring constantly, until the flour/butter mixture turns golden.
Pour in the broth slowly, stirring constantly, then add the applesauce, sweet potato, ginger and cinnamon.
Bring the mixture to the boil, then lower the heat until the mixture is simmering gently.
Cook for 5 minutes.
Puree the mixture (either by transferring to a food processor in batches, or using a hand blender in the pot), then return it to the saucepan.
Pour in the milk, warm through gently - and serve.

yummyyyy.. gw aja doyaaannn.. tapi gw ga pakai ginger karena takut Kaysa ga suka..Happy Cooking.. ohya buat yang nanya gw dah kenalin Kaysa unsalted butter dari 7,5 bulan. hehe.. alasannya karena gw pernah baca di milis mana gitu kalau dalam Mpasi yang paling penting variasi makanan. karena risiko bayi alergi cuma 10% dan ga lebih bahaya daripada bayi kekurangan nutrisi. dang! berasa ditampar saya. jadi sejak saat itu gw puter otak berkali2 (kayak yang punya!) gimana caranya semua kebutuhan makan Kaysa terpenuhi. susah banget lho buat gw. secara gw ga ngerti mana yang masuk sayur, buah, protein nabati, hewani, haha.. semangat belajar!!


Unknown said...

halo mom, salam kenal ya. mau tanya, Kaysa tuh pernah gtm ga sih? ga mau disuap gitu? maap kalo udah pernah ditulis di blognya, belum sempet browse2 semua posting.. thanks ya :)


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