Monday, November 22, 2010

Closing Meeting with Maam

Hari Senin kemarin gw ditelepon sekretarisnya Maam dia bilang Maam mau bicara. anjrit lah langsung deg2an. pas denger suaranya dia minta ketemuan besoknya, hari Selasa.

Hari Selasa dari pagi maam ga di tempat. akhirnya jam 11an sekretarisnya telepon gw suruh ke ruangan. itu rasanya hati gw dagdigdug. mau resign aja begini amatt. temen gw yang lain lancar2 aja perasaan. haha..

ketuk pintu langsung disambut suaranya yang seksi.
M: "Haiii.. come iiin."

S: *dzikiran.haha*

M: " Ahh shinta.. i was shocked. Why? Why you decided to resign? I thought you were happy?"

S: *bingung ga lo mau jawab apa* "Yes Maam, actually I love my job. But I have to prioritize my family. I want to have a baby."

M: "ahh ladies here are also can do their job as a housewife. How long have you been married? 1 year right?"

S: *haduh! Ga bisa banget nih pakai alasan menye2 buat resign.* "I've been married for 1,5 year Maam."

M: "nahh. You have a lot of time to make a baby."

S: *senyum cemas*

M: "I asked sinta *senior gw* how long have you worked in A *client gw*. She said 3 years. So I thought you are bosan handle this client. So I will offer you another client. Which 1 do you want?"

S: *daaanggg!! 1 klien aja gw ga hamil2. Haha*. "Oh that's not problem maam."

M: "anyway you were promoted right?"

S: *nah kan mulai hutang budi gw dibahas. Makin kenceng zikirannya* Menganggukkan kepala

M: "Because I made sure that your name was listed. I called personalia and Pak B*n* by myself."

S: "Thank you maam. THank you for your appreciation" *jawaban macam apa ini. Haha*

M: "because I know both of you are good. You can handle client, bla3 ga perlu gw tulis lah. Namanya juga usaha biar gw ga resign. Haha. But I li'l bit surprise lho dia bilang gitu. Alhamdulillah..

S: "mulai panik dan speechless. Tapi gw harus kasih alasan kuat biar dia mingkem. "I love my job as an auditor maam because I love audit. And my new job will be related with audit too. In Bapepam I will have more spare time with the same benefits. Such consideration encouraged me to take this job."

M: "oh yah I heard the benefits are about the same with EY. I know that they will make new division like PCAOB in US ya?"

S: "yes Maam. Bapepam will be separated into bla3.."

Terus lagi2 ngobrol ngalor ngidul. Akhirnya gw bilang "There are a lot of scholarship opportunities in Bapepam Maam."

M: "Oh ya I know. My staffs Si A and B got scholarships from Minstry of Finance in Aussie and US."

Abis itu dia langsung ngerti alasan gw pindah..

M: "If you are good you'll find your way. I hope you could be professional because you are the ambassador of EY. Kamu kedutaan EY. I hope you will keep yor confidentiality and integrity"

Hahhaha doi taunya ambassador = kedutaan.

M: "Thank you for assisting us yah. I'm so sorry if I was galak, suka marah2, suka lembur. You know work loads in EY is huuuh . Yesterday I had to finish reviewing BNI's report. I didn't go home for 3 days. Can you imagine I was wearing the same outfits for 3 days.

*tadi katanya cewe2 di EY bisa bagi waktu sebagai Ibu RT. Haha*

Tapi gw seneng lho. Gw kira selama ini maam enjoy ma pekerjaannya. Ternyata dia ngeluh juga kalau dah ga pulang 3 hari. Ternyata dia ga sebegitu super womannya. Hihi..

Pas mau TTD dia bilang lagi: "are you sure?"

Intinya gw seneng banget ketemu maam. Dia bikin suasana nyaman, menghargai pendapat dan kerja keras gw.dan at the end dia bilang terima kasih dah ngebantu dia selama ini. Oh My kebalik kali maam. Semua benci gw ma kantor ini tiba2 hilang (sebelum kejadian post sebelumnya yaa. Haha) terus gw jadi sediiih banget ninggalin kantor ini (lagi2 sebelum kejadian sebelumnya yaa)

Emang ngebahagiain staf tuh gampang ya. Cuma perlu dihargai kerja kerasnya aja. Titik *tersenyumlebar*


irene said...

finally we are not EYers lagi yach.... but still " Geng Mureh"... hahahah kapan arisan??? wakakakaka

Shintano said...

Bulan depan sayang.. Tapi bayar hutang tahun depan aja. Haha


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